This past Saturday Nantucket’s annual town meeting was held at The Nantucket High School auditorium. Approximately 455 voters attended to discuss the 107 articles up for consideration. The following articles decided upon, deal with Nantucket preservation related matters. Article 87 – Home Rule Petition: Amendment to Historic District Commission Special Act was approved after an approximate 20 minute debate by a vote of 147 – 94. The home rule petition will be now sent to the state legislature to change the HDC make-up. If approved, the HDC will now change from a fully elected body to three-elected members and two appointed by the town Selectmen. The elected members will serve three year terms and the appointed, two year terms.

Article 30 – Appropriation: FY 2015 Community Preservation Committee approved spending for the following restoration/preservation projects: $295,00 to St. Paul’s Church for the completion of exterior vestibule, a handicap access walkway and life and stairway, $350,00 to Town of Nantucket, Natural Resources Department for restoration of the historic Brant Point shellfish propagation facility and $270,00 to Nantucket Islands Land Bank for restoration of Historic clubhouse on Sconset Gold Course (Skinner’s).