2014 Ramblings Available Today!


The 2014 issue of Ramblings has arrived and is now on stands! The annual NPT publication is designed for all who love the island’s historic architecture and are dedicated to its protection. It provides information on historic buildings and neighborhoods as well as NPT programs and events. Each issue is filled with historic images and useful information for both the island resident and visitor. Did you know….Ramblings, echoes the spirit of a guide first published in 1947 titled, Rambling Through the Streets and Lanes of Nantucket, by Edouard A. Stackpole. Some highlights of the 2014 issue include:

– A History and Architectural Review: William Hussey House
– Profiles in Preservation: Interview with Designer Michelle Elzay by Sherry LeFevre
– Tip for Maintaining Your Old House

NPT member copies have been mailed and should be received shortly. If you’d like a complimentary copy please stop by on of the following locations or click here to for a mailed copy.

– Stop & Shop
– The Visitor’s Center
– The Chamber of Commerce
– The Nantucket Memorial Airport
– NPT Office – 55 Main Street, 3rd floor