“Nantucket’s historic architecture and sense of place is what I’ve loved and enjoyed for the past twenty years. My legacy gift to the Nantucket Preservation Trust will help preserve our island.” – Pam Waller, NPT Legacy Circle Founding Member
The mission of Nantucket Preservation Trust is to protect, promote and preserve Nantucket’s timeless sense of place, as embodied in its historic architecture. Achievement of this mission requires financial assistance not just through annual membership fundraising, but also with the aid of a sustaining endowment funded over time through major gifts, bequests, and planned gifts. Thankful for the timeless pleasures Nantucket has afforded them, Legacy Circle members create their own legacy by helping to ensure the island’s unique beauty endures for the benefit of present and future generations.
Planned Giving
Planning ahead provides the opportunity to align your philanthropic vision with your overall financial and estate plans. Many giving plans offer financial benefits, so you can enhance your financial security and that of your loved ones while ensuring the greatest impact from your charitable giving. Click here to learn more about Planned Giving with the NPT.
NPT Legacy Circle
Once you have identified your intention to include NPT in your will or estate plan, you are ready to join NPT’s Legacy Circle! To become a member of the Legacy Circle, simply fill out our bequest intention form and email it to Mary Bergman, so that we can ensure your commitment is recorded accurately and acknowledged appropriately.
NPT Legacy Major Gift Naming Opportunities
Naming rights can be given in recognition of an unrestricted, pledged major Legacy gift to NPT’s future operations. Current Legacy naming opportunities include:
- Architectural Preservation Award
- Historical Renovation Award
- New Construction Award
- Traditional Building Methods Award
- Preservation Archives
For more details or to discuss a Legacy Major Gift Naming Opportunity, please contact our Executive Director, Mary Bergman.
We are grateful to those who remember the NPT, a Massachusetts non-profit corporation, through a bequest or other type of planned giving.